ARtscapes is launching our "LovingArt" initiative in which we donate our Augmented Reality wall artwork & other creative services to charitable causes nationwide.
We are proud to begin this journey with long time ARtscapes fan and valued community member Tatiana Sofia Begault.
Tatiana is holding a gofundme fundraiser for Noah, a 7 year old with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. You can find Noah's story and gofundme page here.
Between now (December 22nd, 2020) and Christmas (December 25th, 2020) ARtscapes will be giving our Augmented Reality artworks to anyone giving $50 or more to Noah's cause.
ARtscapes is delighted to work with Tatiana & contribute to the ongoing health and success of Noah and his family in any way we can.
ARtscapes thanks you all for your support as we all hope for better tomorrow while helping those around us. LovingArt ❤️ will do it's best to bring a few smiles to faces and help those in need with our art+technology.
Please visit Noah's gofundme page here.